Monday, September 6, 2010


In her glazy, drunken haze, her subconscious made one last feeble attempt, 'He’s getting married next week. Don’t do it.'

Perhaps if her subconscious had been louder.. Because all she heard was the sound of  blood rushing to her head going whoosh, like waves hitting the shore. And his voice whispering “Oh, god, you’re so hot” as his hand groped her butt and squeezed it hard.
"Let's get out of here" she said.
He breathed "OK" and the sour fumes of the whiskey they'd been drinking since 6pm hit her square in the face.

They scrambled for their wallets, paid the waiter probably more than was needed and stumbled out of the bar, giggling.


jo said...

hahaha! i love this. straight to the point indeed. but at least you said hi first :P

The Savage said...

I have a knack for being bad with names and sometimes worse with faces. I have said similar thing to people. Luckily I care little of society norms unless she's really cute/hot. Then I say something to the effect of, "It's been a haze of alcohol since high school, how do I know you again?"

Anonymous said...

Well done! I'm sure he saw the funny side of the situation.

Matt79 said...

I've had the opposite problem before - thinking I knew someone only to find that I didn't! I think you both handled it well.

Jassy Onya'e said...

oh snap, ha thats kinda funny, but not bad at all, i mean like he said "you went straight to the point" lol
what happened after ?

Unknown said...

But I bet you know which knife to use for the fish course.

Lady Papillon said...

hahaha awwww it's ok. it happens to best of us. at least HE kept his cool and got to discover the proper and polite side of you right? =)

Little Miss Angry said...

jo - haha. yes, at least i did.

savage - lol. lucky for the cute and hot ones then, that they get to see your 'polite' side ;)

miss city girl - haha. hopefully.

matt - yes, i had to say a lot of things to make up for my slip up :p

jassy - nothing happened after. i just went back to being with my friend and didn't see him again the rest of the night.

wombat - LOL. i am SO not going to answer that! :)

richa sharma - wow. i'm so flattered. thank you for reading! so you're the 'stupid' and he's the 'idiot' eh? now i'm curious. will check you out after i post this.

lady papillon - lol, yes. thank god :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there

Great share, thanks for your time