a) when I don't pick up my phone when you call. And no, I am not playing hard to get.
b) when I don't return your texts. Its mostly because I don't think it's necessary for me to report to you on my day and also probably because I don't have an appropriate response when you text me 'hey, how you doing?' when I'm in the midst of a meeting or I'm pulling my hair out trying to meet a deadline. But it could also be because I just forgot. Yes, that's how little you cross my mind.
c) and when I do return one text after your three incessant ones, it is only because I'm being polite and hate to see you be so pathetic. And if my text says 'hey, been busy. talk later' I don't really want to talk later, I'm just procastinating, and I'm hoping you're not so thick to not take a hint.
d) but if you are that thick and take my 'talk later' text as an invitation to call me later, please refer to (a) above.
e) when I tell you I'm not looking for anything random or otherwise right now, I'm basically telling you to back off. Leave me alone. I'm just not into you. Of course I'm looking for a relationship with the man of my dreams, it's just that I don't think you're cute enough or funny enough for me to want to date you and yes, I can make up my mind on that in the first five minutes from when I meet you.
f) and no I don't want to be 'just' friends. I have enough friends. Please don't pretend that you want to be 'just' friends, when it's so darn obvious you want to get into my pants.
Ladies, feel free to add on to this list :)
Maybe they should teach a bit of Dating 101 in schools (or maybe they do now! My day was a while ago) and I think your post could be part of the curriculum. Once upon a time I didn't "get" some of this stuff which seems like common sense now - too many of us learn it the hard way!
Seeing as I rarely call the girls I am in a relationship with, there isn't much chance of me following up on a new date with persistent phone calls. I would almost definitely fail Matts dating 101 course.
matt - honestly, we all probably learn the hard way. i don't think there are any shortcuts to dating. and even if there were a class, i doubt our silly hearts would even listen to the contents anyways ;)
ah toni - you are the flipside to my post. and knowing me, i'd probably want guys like you :p
Ohh, Ohh, I wanna add!
g) If you try to kiss me on our first date and I do the whiplash move, which causes you to nearly kiss my ear, it doesn't mean I am old fashioned and don't kiss on a first date. It means I don't want to kiss YOU.
hehehe.. good one snaf!
This is after you've already told them you don't want to date them? Stalker.
Seriously though, it does sound pathetic but I think we've all been that other person :( Or wanted to be but stopped for the sake of pride :((
30ty - yes, i know we've sorta all been on the other side. god knows i have too!
i just thought so much has been said about the 'he's just to that into you' bit that it was time to highlight that the ladies also had something to say on this matter ;)
I thoroughly enjoyed this post! Got a nice laugh out of it.
shylah - welcome :) and very glad you did!
HAHAHAHA! I love this. I feel this w/half the guys I meet...lol
I think guys are just....dumb. the y chromosome came with a slightly retarded gene!
LOL.. maybe not the entire male population but some of them definitely! welcome anyways :)
I think men and women have a lot more in common when it comes to feelings than we realise! Maybe if we all just stuck to the adage "Treat others they way we would want to be treated", life might not be so darn complicated!
Yea i enjoy this post....what gets me is when some guys (not all but some) think they can have this "power" over the women. But you know we aren't gonna slave and follow up on the guy just because he calls or text. we need space too
so also Just because I like being with you, does not mean I am madly in love with you, i just enjoy your company just as much lol
I am a stranger that found your blog... how, I am not sure.
Anyway, I am picky about which blogs I like to read, but yours is wonderful.
I am Ange; your newest follower.
shen - so, so true!
jassy - lol. yea. i guess some guys are like that. but this post is about when i'm just not into a dude you know, and he just can't take a hint? ;)
ange - hi! and welcome! i love that you like what you see here. hope you'll enjoy what's to come too :)
It feel so horrible when you don't even do all that phoning and texting and yet the person you like shows you really clearly that he/she hates you. If someone liked me I wouldn't act like that but a bit more polite. The other person might really suffer and be heart-broken.
Hahaha. Nice post.
Reality does bite. :D
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