Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Beers and mojito

R, a close male friend of mine of many years sent me a text around 11pm yesterday asking me what I was doing. My friendship with R is pretty strange. Mostly, he's someone I can talk to, share things with, get a guy's input on matters which are beyond my female comprehension. I wanted to maintain things to be platonic, but since I've already established I'm bad at that, we've crossed that line (kissing only though) once or twice, okay, maybe three times, all thanks to him and alcohol. Things get weird for a while, then we pick up and pretend it never happened and all is good. Plus, he has a girlfriend. But their relationship is even weirder, I'm not going to get into that today. Not enough time..I'm at the airport - I've got fifteen minutes to try trash this out.

Anyway, after he sent me the text, I called him cause I wanted to ask him what he thought about my on again, off again, on again relationship with Mr. P.

R knows that I suck at the whole friend's with benefits deal and was skeptical when I mentioned I was giving it a shot with Mr. P. But he listened anyway. So I told him about how I overdosed with Mr P two weeks ago, and how he asked me to meet his friends and I did. And how we took his dog out for walks at night holding hands and stopping to kiss at corners. How we just sat and talked in the German bar, me sipping a mojito and him having beer.

As I was telling him all this, I knew at the back of my head what R was going to say already. And he did.. "get out while you still have your heart intact".

But, that's the thing, I said. I don't really have to worry about my heart. After all that two weeks ago, I haven't heard from him since. His dissapearing acts are exactly whats keep me from falling for this guy. So maybe, maybe this could actually work?

R's response.."you're so fucking delusional!"


Kate said...

Hey, it does sound a bit like P is a boyfriend. Hope it works out and makes you happy.

Kate xx

Plentymorefishoutofwater said...

Haha, good luck with this one. Kissing at corners eh, whatever next? Nice blogging.

Toni said...

Good old booze - the solution and cause of many problems. P sounds ok, after all any man that has a dog just has to be a good guy. Maybe R just wants to keep hold of those alcohol related excesses for himself. Mojitos at a German bar in, (I presume) KL - who says globalization doesn't work? Would have been better if you had been listening to Brook Benton, I had some great nights listening to Rainy Night in Georgia on the clapped out juke box in the Hong Kong Bar in Penang.

Nomad said...

kissing on corners is a big deal where i'm from!!! good luck...

Little Miss Angry said...

thanks Kate, but no P isn't in the boyfriend zone. not if if I haven't heard from him in more than 2 weeks :(

plentymorefish - nice eh? sounds oh so romantic :)

toni - i was just in penang last weekend! but not with P and not to a Hong Kong bar. and i know, it seems that way right? that a guy who owns a dog must be a good guy. well, P is a decent guy just apparently bad at 'relationships'.

hey nomad, thanks. and its pretty big for me too :) checking out your blog now...

Little Miss Angry said...

and yes toni, mojitos in a german bar in KL :) haha

Christine Macdonald said...

In my experience, I always knew my own inner voice, but sometimes didn't like the answers, so I said F-it and did what I wanted anyway - dammed the advice... I had fun. Sure there were lessons, but fun was had!

Remember., you are a Goddess. Goddesses are allowed to have fun and be free!

That's what being young is all about!

Little Miss Angry said...

hi thatgalkiki.

goddess. i like that :) glad you dropped by.

Jen said...

I've never been good with that kind of relationship, either. It always sounds like a good idea.

Little Miss Angry said...

hi jen. glad you dropped by, and yup always sounds like a good idea when it starts!